Member-only story
Wishing Upon A Star, For The World.

“A spec of dust. Or to be more precise, nothing.” I could hear my father’s voice as we stared at the night sky lit up with stars, surrounded by darkness from a routine power outage. “That is what the earth is in the vastness and infinitude of the universe.” I tried absorbing this newfound knowledge with a mix of awe and bewilderment as he continued. “But it should not make us feel small. Humans in the universe are rare, perhaps even unique, the result of an amazing and unusual recipe of nature through evolution that are the DNAs that make us.”
Decades later, earth is still the only planet known to mankind that supports and houses life, intelligent or otherwise, even as we relentlessly keep looking for another one that remotely comes close. We are desperate, as it would seem, to find companions that look like us, communicate like us and think like us. And therein lies the disconnect.
It took eons for the universe to create the world that we today take for granted. It took billions of years since its inception for the earth to reach a habitable state for lifeforms like us. It took millions of years for humans to lay the foundations of the first civilizations, and thousands of years to evolve into a state where we can communicate with each other across the globe in the blink of an eye. And yet, we seem blatantly oblivious of the miracle that is human life and…