Is Mississippi indeed at the bottom of the bottomless pit the southern states appear to be in? I am not knowledgeable enough to correct or corroborate. All I know is that these states huddle together in every conceivable list that ranks the states nationwide and seem interchangeable for the most part (just saw one this morning that had to do with average life expectancy). While racial history has had a profound and indelible impact on the character and shape of these states, that cannot keep holding them back forever. One could argue that the history of California is bloody as well when it comes to native Americans. Technological investment is key and that is not controlled solely by the obnoxious politicians in charge of these states. I know corporate responsibility is an oxymoron but I would like to think there is still hope.
On a side note, I think the comment about terminating a pregnancy at 8.5 months was a bit sweeping, even if unintentional. At the risk of stating the obvious, no abortion is performed willy-nilly (even the safest can be physically and mentally traumatic for the woman undergoing it), including late term abortions.