First, if I read one more article on the ‘reasons why’ (especially that are not the three listed in the title), my head will explode, so I am checking out. But before I do, this article is sadly reflective of some of the same exact misinformation campaign, especially the killing of live babies (!!). Dems being equated with wokeism + elitism is old stuff and people have still voted them in to presidency and the senate not so long ago. What is new is that a (the same) convicted felon is able to defeat a woman candidate twice, the second time after he was voted out of his first term and when both gender and race were at play. If anyone cares to know the big reason that is tied to at least two of the three 'non-reasons' according this article, they should read the Washington Post report on young white male voters that turned out in extraordinary numbers and force to vote him in. His appearance in just about every podcast and show targeting this demographic was not in vain.