As someone with near-zero social media presence, it is a bit hard for me to understand firsthand the implications of the ongoing drama around Twitter or how it has the potential to whip up mass frenzies/ incite riots/ overthrow regimes etc., although events here and elsewhere seem to indicate otherwise (the 240 character limit notwithstanding). I see similar sentiments expressed on Medium (William Leitch, Lisa Marten ...).
Maybe I am trying to lull myself with a generous dose of stoicism, having been drained by the events of the last 5 or so years and watching the growing chasm between the two sides that is often driven by political maneuvering. (In reality, I think there are way more than two sides but the narrative of bipolarity helps the agenda of a two party system that tends to put people squarely in one of two buckets). As expected, the numerous angry but empty responses to this article highlight the current situation and undermine Umair’s hopes for Medium as a pristine platform. And maybe that is not a bad thing.